Friday, August 28, 2009

skank shot

good quote

"I think the idea of me suing somebody just because they called me a name is ridiculous. With this ruling, if I call somebody a name I get to have all my private information released? Do people seriously not see where this will extend to? If all I have to do is call somebody a name and that person gets angry, then all my information needed to come after me is released? Man, I can't wait till the government uses this new precedent setting power to go after people critical of the Administration! (Sarcasm). This is a terrible ruling that is going to have serious privacy rights implications."


With this said I am forced to call Liskula Cohen a few more names. Ahem...
Skank, Slut, whore, dirt, dregs, grime, muck, scum, slime, smut, waste, fool, bitch, lesbo, ugly, flithy, ho, gold-digger, rancid, disgusting and a bull-sucker

Now if that doesnt get me sued I dont know what will :)

mail this

I want this mailed directly to Liskula Cohen's Skank ass

I will tell you who is not a skank

The following women is not a skank, she in her humble little way is the world's greatest skank-slayer. She deserves to be achknowledged as botha champion of freedom of speech and a skank-slayer. I give you Rosemary Port:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

still waiting to be sued

i am still waiting....

Wait am i sued now?

How about now?

Damn what is taking that skanky ho so long?


did I tell you that Liskula cohen is a ho as well as a skank?

did I tell you

How I slept with Ms. Liskula Cohen recently? What was it like you ask. Well, did you ever throw a hotdog down a hallway. Yep that is how skanky she is.